We are an outstanding Catholic Women's organization, which aims for the moral, mental and social advancement of Catholic Women. Young Ladies Institute (YLI) is an opportunity for women to become acquainted and work with other Catholic women in our church and community. We value the principles of charity and love, always reflecting our care and concern for each other and for those in sickness or need. The motto of our Order, “May Christ Triumph,” is a constant reminder of our personal and collective search for holiness and growth in Christ.
Our first Institute, California No. 1, was organized September 5, 1887, in the city of San Francisco under the guidance of Annie M. Sweeney, Mary E. Richardson and Emily Coogan. Our founding sisters were motivated to help a young woman and others like her who needed assistance when ill and without means of livelihood. Our charity encompasses not only our own members but has expanded to more active participation in church, community, and world affairs. We have developed a sense of social responsibility which embodies the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Our acts of kindness and love fulfill the spirit and purpose for which we were organized.
Young Ladies’ Institute is an ecclesiastically approved organization. Our programs have gained us the gratitude and respect of Bishops and Priests alike. Our Chaplains are valuable members of the Institute and their advice and counsel contribute to the success of our programs. At the time of initiation, we promise as Catholics to comply with the laws of the Church, to spread the good news of our Faith and to uphold the Church and her teachings.